Social and Health Economics, and Sport for All


Social and Health Economics, and Sport for All

2024-02-24 الساعة 00:00


The Asian Sport for All Federation (ASFAF), in collaboration with Drasa Academy, is organizing a seminar entitled: “Social and Health Economics, and Sport for All”, through ZOOM Application
Dr. Graziella Thake
Chief Executive Officer – The Optimization Hub
Her topic: “Social and Health Economics, and Sport for All”
Date: Saturday February 24th, 2024
Time: 09:00 AM GMT
          01:00 PM UAE
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 777 444 2424
Passcode: 111
Certificates are given free to the participants. 
ينظم الاتحاد الآسيوي للرياضة للجميع بالتعاون مع أكاديمية بحث وتطوير أنشطة علوم الرياضة - دراسا
ندوة بعنوان :
Social and Health Economics, and Sport for All
عبر تطبيق ZOOM
الدكتور/ جراتزيلا ثيك
Chief Executive Officer – Optimization Hub
محاور الندوة
"The Socioeconomic Decisions by Leaders to Enhance Access to All Aspects of Sports"
"Moving Barriers to Participation: Mental Attitude, Mindset, Confidence, and the Muscle of Life "
"The Changing Picture of Sport"
توقيت الندوة :
السبت 24 فبراير 2024
السعودية : 11:00AM
القاهرة: 11:00AM
الإمارات 13:00PM
رابط الدخول
Meeting ID: 777 444 2424
Passcode: 111
الشهادات مجانية للحاضرين لأكثر من 75 % من زمن الندوة